Norgescup at Kongsvinger GC was a very interesting event for me. My scores were 78, 72, 76. One can sometimes tell by the score if a player had a good, ok, or bad day at the course, but for this event it is not so clear what went down.
Lightning postponements and my back unwilling to cooperate made the event a bigger challenge than expected. I had been looking forward to competing again, but this was just not my event.
The tournament was supposed to be held over a span of three days, but because the weather gods decided to spark up the day with some thunder and lightning, half the field, including myself, got to play a two day event with 36 and 18 holes.

Five minutes of back treatment and some strong pain meds were a big help between the rounds the first day and I managed to play a good (although painful) round on par that afternoon. In this game of golf all the details matter and this time the margins were not on my side.
My back is much better now, and I will make sure to get the treatment I need and do the exercises necessary to be ready not only mentally but also physically for the next event which will be the team championship in a week, July 18-19th.
Due to the fact that my home club Drammen GK did not participate last year, we will play in the second division this year. I will enjoy playing with my future sister-in-law, Caroline Krokeide, and Cesilie Hagen. The tournament will be played over two days at Sorknes GC and is made up of a foursome, a fourball and a single round. More about that later…